martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

Bureau of National Drugs- Agreement No. 04.2014

The Bureau of National Drugs through the Agreement No. 04.2014 dated July 21, 2014, has made of public knowledge that they will proceed with the cancellation to the sanitary registration of the products in which the annuity fee for 2014 has not been paid.

Also, in the same Agreement the Bureau establishes an expedite registration procedure for those registered products that have been officially canceled due to non-payment of the annuity.

For additional information, please feel free to contact Ms. Marcela Mancía and/or Ms. Pamela Giraldo, in Romero Pineda's Unit of Health Registrations, Intellectual Property Division at (503) 2505-5555 or email: and They will be pleased to assist you.


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